Haven’t done a tip in a while, and this one is a bit late, but…
It’s the rainy season in Japan now. It starts in the South of the country and works it’s way up. So Okinawa will actually be coming out of it soon. The rest of the country is getting loads of rain now, and will do until about Mid July-ish. Having said that, it is very on and off. Still plenty of nice Sunny days during the rainy season. After it’s over, it gets really hot and humid.
So you can expect the outdoor space to be a little slow now, and indoor items to be doing better. If you are doing a “Summer” related product, and saw a dip in sales recently, hang on for a bit, they’ll pick up!
*This post originated from a post in the Amazon Japan Facebook group, “Amazon Japan PL”. The information may well have changed by the time you read this. Please check the DATE of the post before you make any decisions based on this information!